Devoted to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.
2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 205  Lisle, IL 60532



Project SEARCH at Delnor Hospital 


 Program Eligibility: 

The Delnor Hospital Project SEARCH Program is specifically for OUT-OF-SCHOOL (ages 18-24 years) youth with disabilities. This program is funded by LWIA 5 (Kane, Kendall and Dekalb), the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the United States Department of Labor. The following eligibility is required:

  • Each participant must have already graduated from and have accepted their diploma from high school
  • Applicants who reside in Kane, DeKalb and Kendall counties will be given priority.
  • Must have proof of disability either through IEP or DRS documentation
  • Must have a desire to work competitively at the end of the program
  • Would benefit from participation in a variety of skill-building internships
  • Who are independent with self-care and medication management
  • Who can self-monitor on a 1:4 ratio of support
  • Who have access to independent transportation to/from Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital


Our Program Partners

Our Project SEARCH programs are built on a collaboration.  Without our partners this program would not be successful. 



Project SEARCH Delnor Info Video

The PAEP staff at Project SEARCH Delnor created a presentation to showcase the Project SEARCH program, so families and professionals can meet the Project SEARCH Delnor staff and learn about the parties involved that are pivotal in allowing the program to run effectively and efficiently. The video also gives interested participants an overview of the program, explains eligibility requirements, and provides details on the application and selection process. 




Download and complete the application below

Send application to or attach at the bottom of the webpage

Also attach additional files needed:

Proof of disability (IEP or IPE)

High School diploma or equivalent


Please download the application and save it before typing into it.  Then re-save often and when complete before sending it back. 

For more information on the Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital Project SEARCH program, please contact LEAD Employability Instructor, Hailey Mankivsky at or 630-938-2122.

Project SEARCH Delnor Questions/Inquiries

Please place any questions or inquires about the Project SEARCH Delnor program here.  Program applications can also be submitted here.  Please allow at least 24 hours for a response. 

Full Name
Phone Number
Program Questions/Inquiries

Select / Drag files you want to UPLOAD Here

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.


Parents Alliance Employment Project works in partnership with the workNet DuPage Career Center

CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) 

has accredited Parents Alliance Employment Project for its Employment Services: Community Employment Services in Job Development, Job Supports, and Job Site Training Programs.

We do not provide direct services through this website; it is intended for informational purposes only.

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